Glass of rhubarb syrup summer drink on the porch with plants in the back

Danish Rhubarb syrup

Homemade rhubarb syrup has the taste of Danish summer. In the heat and the long bright summer evenings, it is time for garden parties and events with family and friends. Drink it chilled with ice cubes, diluted with water – and it also works really well with bubbles of all sorts.


Here is our recipie of a delicious rhubarb syrup, sweetened with sugar and vanilla. It is beautiful to look at, with its clear pink-ish color, and it tastes of Danish summer!



  • 0,5 kg freshly picked rhubarb, washed and cut into two cm pieces
  • 7,5 dl of water
  • 200-250 g sugar
  • 1-2 sticks of good vanilla
  • a little juice of a lemon

How to make rhubarb syrup

Cut the rhubarb into 2 cm long pieces and put them into a sauce pan.

Pour over water, add a whole vanilla and bring to a quick boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Take the pan off the heat and let the juice cool completely in the pan, this can take a few hours.

Strain the juice through a colander and pour the juice back into the pan. Add sugar and bring it to boil again until the sugar has melted. Add lemon juice to taste. Let the juice thicken a bit if you want a more syrupy consistency.

Pour the juice into pre-heated bottles or glasses and store in the refrigerator.

Only one thing left to do – sit back and enjoy in the sunshine!